We get better every day:
to produce the finest packaging materials
to benefit both people and the environment.
We look at everything by asking the question: “Is it sustainable? Then it’s good!”
For people
For nature
Our three pillars of ecological responsibility
Paper and paper recycling
We only ever use recovered paper to produce our containerboard. If exceptionally high strength levels are required, a small amount of virgin fibre may be added. All our products are (FSC®)-certified (Forest Stewardship Council).
Even though our containerboard is 100% made from recovered paper, our products originate from forests because every single recycled fibre was originally a virgin fibre. These virgin fibres can be recycled more than 20 times; they are almost unbreakable. Last but not least, if they can no longer be used for making paper, they are used to generate energy, very much embracing cascading.
In a nutshell: We are part of the bio-economy.
Energy and energy recycling
We currently already employ various energy sources and also make highly efficient use of bridging technologies: In our CHP plants in which we use cogeneration to produce steam and power, we have a level of efficiency of 91%. This method means that we are able to supply our own steam and power in Fulda. In Rudolstadt/Schwarza, we obtain some of the steam from a thermal recycling plant. This is where non-paper constituents which we separate out from the recovered paper are thermally utilised.
We pay particular attention to ensuring that our production processes are as energy-efficient as possible and are constantly developed. The steam in the drying cylinders which dry the paper webs is condensed, fed back into the power plant as water and used again for producing fresh steam. This creates a closed loop.
The steam which is produced from drying the paper webs is captured by a drying hood and, via heat recovery systems, is used primarily for hall and machine ventilation, but also for operating the hot water systems. This means that we utilise the steam in every energy state.
Water and water recycling
Water is a very precious resource and this is why we handle it very responsibly and carefully. We constantly reuse the water that is needed for paper production with systems that are interconnected in cascading fashion so that only a small amount of waste water is produced. This waste water is mechanically and biologically treated in waste water purification plants before some of it is then returned to production. We feed anything that is not used back into the rivers – and we do of course comply with the strict environmental constraints.
Carbon neutrality
The paper industry is by its very nature energy-intensive. As part of our decarbonisation strategy, we are striving to be a carbon-neutral producer by 2040. Here too it is true that we are getting better and saving more and more energy every day. We will achieve carbon neutrality through a combination of different measures and gradually switch over to sustainable energy sources. Looking to the future, alongside green electricity and biogas, hydrogen is also expected to play a significant role. In addition, we are also exploring CCU solutions as part of the recycling concept so that in the transition phase – until our production is completely CO₂-free – the CO₂ does not end up in the atmosphere and can be used in other ways.

We get better every day.
More examples of our actions in paper production:
Learn more
- In Fulda in 2016 and 2017 we installed an innovative, water-cooled paper machine drive on both paper machines. All of the waste heat is used for the starch treatment processes. Highly efficient steel cylinders with the best heat transfer levels are used for drying the paper webs. By adopting these and other measures, we were able to reduce our energy use in Fulda per tonne of paper by 10% from 2015 to 2021.
- As part of our continuous product development, since 2020 we have developed technologies to produce the strength qualities that are needed for packaging papers while saving starch and steam. This has enabled the amount of starch required to be reduced by more than 30%.
- Thanks to the in-house process water treatment facility which started operating in Rudolstadt/Schwarza in 2019, we generate 15% more biogas than we did previously in the waste water purification plant alone. We use this biogas to supply the region with renewable electricity and ourselves with sustainable process heat via modern and highly efficient combined heat and power plants.
- To optimise the internal logistics, we are also working on developing electric forklifts to handle heavy loads.
- Whenever possible, our new paper is transported by rail – this is eco-friendly and climate-neutral and in 2021 allowed us to save 699 t of CO₂.
- We are currently working on projects to create a steam-free paper factory.
- We at Jass seek to maintain and repair our machines rather than replacing parts so that every worn component is given a second lifeline if possible.
We get better every day.
More examples of our actions in corrugated board production:
Learn more
At the Gostyń plant
- Replacement of the old conventional lighting with LED lamps (lower energy consumption)
- Installation of dust filters for the corrugated board scraps
- New sheeter with twice the capacity of the old one (lower energy consumption)
- Renovation of the compressed air system, resulting in lower energy consumption
- A scrap measuring system was procured to allow the corrugated board scrap to be monitored and reduced.
At the Dąbrowa Górnicza plant
- High-speed production line that consumes less energy
- LED lighting throughout the building and site
- Skylights to save lighting energy during the daytime
- Heat pump for heating
- Double-insulated steam installation for saving energy
- Dust filters for the corrugated board scrap
- Label printing directly on the product (saving copy paper)
Our approach to sustainability
We adopt a holistic, value-retaining and forward-looking approach to sustainability.
Sustainability can only be forward-looking and retain value if the right balance is struck between commercial success, ecological responsibility and social engagement.

What makes us special?
Our valuesMaking contact
We are there for you!

JassFibre GmbH
99091 Erfurt
T +49 361 74052-30

Papierfabrik Adolf Jass
36039 Fulda
T +49 661 1 06-0
Papierfabrik Adolf Jass
T +49 3672 4 77-0

JassBoard Sp. z o.o.
63-800 Gostyń
T +48 65 575 12 29
JassBoard Sp. z o.o.
42-520 Dąbrowa Górnicza
T +48 65 575 12 29