About us
The Jass Group is a leading European company operating in the paper recycling economy. We employ around 800 workers in Fulda, Rudolstadt/Schwarza and Erfurt in Germany, as well as Gostyń and Dąbrowa Górnicza in Poland.
Our company is split into three divisions

Our joint venture with Thüringen Recycling in Erfurt handles the procurement of some of our recovered paper resource.

Our production sites in Fulda and Rudolstadt/Schwarza manufacture containerboard from recovered paper.

Our Polish company in Gostyń and Dąbrowa Górnicza manufactures corrugated board sheets from containerboard and cardboard sheets from cardboard.

Our values
We have a family atmosphere
In the individual plants, almost everyone knows everyone else. Each of us matters – as a person and in their role. Everyone should feel at home, be seen and heard at our company. We operate like a happy family: We complement and appreciate each other. We learn from one another. And to be perfectly honest: Sometimes we don’t quite get things right either. We’re working on this.
We are happy to be recommended as an employer among family and friends. This will also expand our family. And we are proud of this.
We are an owner-managed business and the wellbeing of our employees really matters to us. Jass can be relied upon – as an employer too. We are successful together. We shape our future together in everything we do.
We are a partnership
“We are a partnership: Some people may perceive us to be traditional, always very businesslike and perhaps even a little reserved. For us this reflects our reliability, respectful appreciation and binding Hanseatic approach to good business. We value this – and people value this about us.”
Frank Gumminger, commercial director
We really value collegiality. Together we also tackle tricky challenges and find a way to achieve our goal as partners.
We are sustainable
We look at sustainability holistically: For us, it is a combination of the economy, ecology and social engagement.
Ecological sustainability
We are a company in the bio-economy: Our recovered paper raw material is based on the resource of wood. We only ever use FSC® (FSC-C108280)-certified materials and thus support the process of managing forests sustainably. We are also a prime example of recycling: We turn recovered paper into new paper again. Recycling at its best!
Economic sustainability
This has two key components: Firstly, it is all about paving the way to a new style of doing business. So it is about reconciling the needs of the economy and ecology. As a company that operates in the bio-economy and engages in recycling, we have been doing this for more than 60 years. In addition, we face major challenges that we tackle head on: promoting further conservation of resources and decarbonisation and making sure this is economical.
Secondly, it is all about sustainable, so long-term, profitable growth which guarantees the company’s sustained existence. The idea of thinking beyond the generations is firmly established in family companies.
Social sustainability
We are mindful of our social responsibility and demonstrate this to our employees and those in our social surroundings in many different ways.
At our locations and in the surrounding regions, we are one of the biggest and most important employers and generate local purchasing power. The majority of our workforce has been with us for many years. What is more, we together with our employees are involved in many social projects. This deep understanding of sustainability is what unites us.
We are pioneering
“Hard work pays off. So does loving the product. We value every contribution and attention to detail which help to make us better. This was the case when the company was first founded. We have maintained this pioneering spirit of our founder. And we will retain it in the future too.”
Dr. Marietta Jass-Teichmann, managing partner
We have often been, and still are, the first in the industry to lead the way by taking a new technological step. We will continue to be so.
- On all three of our paper machines, we have installed the most modern drive concept (gearless) that is available on the market to manufacture products with maximum energy efficiency.
- By constructing the first in-house process water treatment facility in 2019 in Schwarza, we relieve the strain on the waste water purification plant and produce more biogas for generating green electricity.
- We are currently working among other things on developing a factory without any waste steam.
Making contact
We are there for you!

JassFibre GmbH
99091 Erfurt
T +49 361 74052-30

Papierfabrik Adolf Jass
36039 Fulda
T +49 661 1 06-0
Papierfabrik Adolf Jass
T +49 3672 4 77-0

JassBoard Sp. z o.o.
63-800 Gostyń
T +48 65 575 12 29
JassBoard Sp. z o.o.
42-520 Dąbrowa Górnicza
T +48 65 575 12 29